Our Classes

Our modules come from 30 years of development, implantation, on the ground in three countries in person and worldwide through our platforms, panels, and online education. We have worked with all age groups, back grounds and professions.
Our trainers and students come from all walks of life.
Over the last 30 years developing, testing and teaching heart based tools and techniques, we have designed a thoroughly transformative and uplifting set of stacking, turn key, modules that can be implemented anywhere, anytime.
In our classes, workshops, symposiums, and certifications you will find one or all of these modules:
Week 1: Self-Love in Education Module One/Certification One
Week 2: Be the Medicine Module Two/Certification Two
Week 3: Identity Module Three/Certification Three
Week 4: Self in Relation to Community Module Four/Certification Four
Week 5: Self in Relationship with the World and Universe Module Five/Certification Five
Week 6: The Classroom and Community as a Social System Module Six/Certification Six
Week 7: Creating Safe and Brave Spaces Module Seven/Certification Seven
Week 8: Chart and Launch Your SEL Journey Module Eight/Certification Eight
New Classes are always beginning:
We know how challenging it can seem, and we have created a heart centered curriculum that leaves no one behind. We stand in the present, and look to the future with hope for the support, healing, and restoration of healthy, happy people, and for inclusive caring, supportive communities, and societies. We have developed a turnkey, vetted set of social emotional learning techniques,and tools in eight instructional modules with six more special education modules, to support you and your students on life’s journey. With over 25 years on the ground in three countries and all types of classrooms, and cultures, we feel our progressive, social emotional learning design and implementation experience has and is answering the needs of our current and future climate. Through a literal connection to the heart, and an exploration of the self, in relation to family, community and the world, our modules and workshops/certifications support everyone.
Our modules are a blend of practical hearts based practices, independent written/creative activities, group discussions and cultivating creative and inspiring work that centers around exploration of self. Including the heart, as well as our body, mind and spirit, intellect, and communication skills, grounded by exploration in goals, talents, gifts, and what inspires us most. We have been teaching these practices, tools and techniques for over 25 years in three countries with all types of cultural backgrounds, in all types of educational settings, and we have now created even more to support the people in our lives, working with children, youth and adults of all ages:
Module/Week 1: Self-Love in Education : Self love is something that we cultivate within ourselves and as educators in others. The landscape of education is transforming along with us. We realize the importance of Social Emotional Learning. Through understanding self, family, community and the world, focused on our own personal self love, we begin to create a different landscape that works for us individually and because of that, works for others. Based on the basic principles, guidelines, and ethics of Social Emotional Learning, this module/certification explores tools and techniques that have been crafted over 25 years of Social Emotional Learning experiences that inspire and enhance a deep connection to self. Let us be happy in our bodies, as we cultivate resilience, inner peace, breath work, mindfulness, feeling like we belong, with empathy, compassion, and a skill set to navigate challenging times with grace and ease, while loving ourselves and each other. Complete with assessments of written and video components. We lead with the heart. These embodiment practices, tools and techniques are the foundation, the deep healing, and the restoration to our stacking curriculum. Experience literal heart-based connection, breath, while cultivating inspiration and an activated power of presence.
Self Love Workshop One: Explores techniques and tools utilized and taught over 25 years in three countries, and internationally! Students have found a deep connection with self, how to maintain and cultivate that connection, as we explore our deep and rich inner world, and fill up our lives. Group discussions, and some real world applications that allow the student a safe and brave space to fully come home to self, and leave with activation techniques that can be used as daily practice, or as a deep reset as we navigate life with joy and love. This class includes the Seed of Light Activation.
Module/Week 2: Mapping Out Self: Connection to our inner guidance system is something that we cultivate within ourselves and, as educators, in others. The landscape of education is transforming along with us. We realize the importance of Social Emotional Learning. Through understanding self, family, community, and the world, focused on our own personal exploration and discovery, we begin to create a different landscape that works for us individually and because of that, works for others. This module/certification is a guide to and through embodiment practices, tools, and techniques that have been tested and proven effective over the past 25 years in education settings internationally, for all ages and beliefs. We have spent many years training bodies and minds. It is time to focus on the inner guidance system, and our deep connection with self. Through mapping, things become clear. When we actively participate in our healing, through written and creative work, we can literally see what we are thinking, feeling and addressing with self. The Center for Advancement has a unique and age-old tool of utilizing the medicine wheel to understand, explore and determine what is important to us. As we design and commit to our lives and what we are cultivating, natural healing occurs. The companion manual for this module is Be The Medicine, The Medicine Wheel Exploration Technique.Utilizing a technique based in mapping, participants will be guided into exploration and cultivation of personal dreams, hopes, and goals, while exploring areas that are necessary for our health and wellness, wholeness, and success. We will explore and come to understand self, family, community, and the world, while witnessing and experiencing what it feels like to ‘hold safe and brave space’ for self and others.
Be The Medicine: Workshop Two: Utilizes the small group environment, the medicine wheel exploration technique, and rich, exploratory mapping to actively create, and put down on paper however the student wishes, their deepest inspirations, dreams, desires, present reality, and future realities. To understand self, and facilitate the highest outcome for their lives. Complete with another infamous activation to bring self home to the heart. Explore with the medicine wheel exploration technique, designed to set you free, and continue to support your life, love and happiness as you transform and grow. This class includes the Seed of Light Activation and the Life Force Activation.
Module/Week 3: Identity: Who are you in actuality? How did you form your opinion of yourself? What areas do you wish to cultivate or transform? This module is about discovering the greatest you, and what fuels and inspires you. The module uses guided exploration through independent and group questions, as we explore: What is yours to do and to be? Our identities can be confusing at times. As families, societies, and the media tell us who we are or who we should be, the real work and creativity here is in self exploration into how we as individuals really work and who we really want to cultivate as self showing up in the world. Here we explore choices and options, and make some solid decisions based on what brings us joy, uncovering and solidifying our gifts, supporting our happiness, and a sense of well being. We begin to explore the things we have in common with others, and how to fit in naturally with appreciation for ourselves, fitting in within a complex social system.
IDENTITY: Workshop Three: Is a kindness workshop, a compassion workshop and a self love workshop all in one. Exploring through the medicine wheel, group conversations, and reciprocity as water beings on a water planet, we will seek out and identify the motivating forces in our identity from our upbringing, society and self talk, and reinvent, conceptualize and activate, a present version of who and what we are on this planet at this time. When we know self, love self, and make decisions based in our highest divine unfolding, we will create new timelines, new worlds, and a new future, that is in alignment with our gifts, inspirations and desires. You decide who you are. This class includes The Oneness Activation.
Module / Week Four: Self in Relation to Community: When we have deeply explored and rooted our self love, our inner guidance system and our understanding of our personal identity, we have set a foundation that is empowered and centered, balanced and whole to move out into the world. We have embodied techniques of resilience. Through social emotional learning we realize the importance of what we cultivate within ourselves and, as educators/community members, in others. How do we fit in with our community? How do we fit in with Society? What are the points that work to support us being “a part of” and “included in?” How is it that we come to feel included, and like we are contributing? What would we like to bring forward more readily and embody more often in these areas? Participants will seek to understand, cultivate, and embody their best sense of self in relation to community. Explore what it is to feel a part of, to feel connected with others, and work within a healthy and balanced body, mind and spirit.
We came here to be together, let's be courageous and brave in our enrichment, and our community. This workshop explores what Heidi calls "Tending our personal field." Here you will learn how to clear your energy field from the unconscious connections that happen throughout our day and lives. If you have a job that requires you to be around people, this one is perfect for you. Learn how to fill up your personal cup, and keep it clear so the days of drain are over. We will also explore the safe and brave spaces concept, as well as restorative circle work. Perfect for educators, homeschoolers, and the like.
Module/Week Five: Self in Relationship with the World and Universe, Workshop: Being a part of something greater than ourselves. Is it love, compassion, and kindness, or perhaps higher power, spirit, or creator? How about your ancestral relations? Grandmothers and Grandfathers, whether physically present here or not -- we are all connected. What is the concept of WE or oneness? How can this activity of exploration and embodying these concepts support us on our journey? Creativity, inspiration, understanding where we come from, in order to move forward. This module is more expansive and spiritually based. It is based in self love, non violent communication, and an understanding of self in relation to the universe we are a part of.
How do we begin to craft and prepare to take our gifts, messages and creations out to the world? We will explore, and make some choices in this module.
Module/Week Six: The Classroom and the World as a Social System: How do we work SEL into a classroom or community setting? What is the social setting? How can it progress? How are you setting up your classroom or education space? How do different personality types and people/personality types play off each other? We will explore the classroom within the larger framework of schools, education systems, and communities. How to naturally navigate a classroom filled with personalities, with gifts, and a sense of identity. How can we empower the people in our groups, networks, classrooms, and organizations to show up as their best selves, and take part, to create a good team. Remembering that a good team is made up of very unique people, all with different skills and abilities. Participants will learn embodiment practices, tools, and techniques to foster a solid foundation of self in relation to the classroom, and how we foster that space for others. As well as being introduced to “Restorative Circle Practice”. This is very important in our gun violence narrative we are experiencing today. People will make very different choices if they have the opportunity to find out who they are, and how to cultivate their best selves, and if given time to understand others in their classrooms, communities, and settings. Giving the space that is desperately being called out for to be heard, seen, and understood. Through restorative circle work, we can transform fear, and loneliness into inspired creativity, and a sense of belonging. (This is also our Emergency Action Plan. We would be happy to forward the complete module to you at your request.)
The Classroom and Community/World as a Social System: Restorative Circle Work. We require leaders in this time to release, receive and restore. This certification centers around your personal gifts, and inner callings and how to continue to explore, shape and create them so they can be shared with others, you can be of service to whomever you decide to support .
Module/Week Seven: Creating Safe and Brave Spaces:: Safe and Brave spaces are designed and cultivated. How can we create those spaces to foster the learning outcomes in SEL that we have been cultivating within ourselves, in our students, and in our communities? What type of classroom do you want to foster? What type of community do you want to foster? What are the boundaries in SEL framework that support you and which keep you and your students flourishing, safe, and brave? Cultivating your safe and brave space guidelines are the main focus of this certification. Participants will determine what that looks like, feels like, and sounds like, as well as drafting their safe and brave space guidelines to be implemented. Also learn how to craft, and recreate/teach, and design these guidelines for your offerings, community and global spaces.
Module/Week Eight: Chart and Launch Your SEL Journey: This module/certification is all about you. What have you learned? Come to terms with? How would you like to continue to foster your development moving forward? What class, book, workshop, speaking engagement calls to you? Participants will determine goals and design the implementation to successfully accomplish those goals. This is creating your SEL Action plan, or your education plan, life plan, or dream plan. Whether it is your own program, or moving forward in community, or with your family or classroom, or perhaps to become a certified SEL instructor/educator with The Center for Advancement in Social Emotional Learning, we lead with the heart.
All workshops come with a PDF of the modules, and support modules, and a certificate of completion. The full certification is granted after all work has been turned in, and each module certificate has been granted. Certification is an overall completion of all 8 modules. And is granted to those who arrive on time, do their work to the best of their ability, and show the true spirit of body, mind, and spirit education and entrepreneurial dedication to the work.
Each class comes with a pdf module.
A certificate of participation.
And the opportunity to become certified.
Upon completion of all eight modules participants will:
Know tools and techniques that can be used as daily practice and have the ability to teach those techniques to others.
Embody breath work and activities that will connect humans to their hearts and foster a deeper connection to self.
Have cultivated and understand compassion, empathy and group communication.
Know tools and techniques to tap into your inner guidance system and teach those techniques.
Have the tools to maintain a healthy and happy energetically enhanced life.
Unlock and tap into their creativity.
Fully explored, their gifts, and abilities, and which ones of these gifts and abilities they are most in alignment with.
Understand themselves in relation to family, community and the world.
Have the tools to be happy, healthy, and balanced people.
Have cultivated and explored: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision-making.
Be awarded certificates in successfully completed modules.
Have the potential to be accredited and supported to begin or expand their Social Emotional Learning teaching journey, with practicum and mentorship opportunities, locally and internationally..
Earn the opportunity to move forward and become a certifying trainer for the Center for Advancement in SEL..
Receive one year of support and guidance from our certified support staff.
Potential to be granted listing on our website as a Center for Advancement in Social Emotional Learning Certified Educator.
Have the support of your cohort and Trainer for the year.
MIssion: We are International Educators implementing Heart Based, Social Emotional Learning, while raising the bar of/for love, care and respect, for ourselves, and all our students. www.SELAdvancment.org
“These techniques saved my life. I was depressed and lost. I am now in full time university with a strong sense of who I am and what I feel called to contribute to the world. Thank you Heidi!
⦁ Aisha, Canada
““Follow the three R’s: – Respect for self. – Respect for others. – Responsibility for all your actions.”
⦁ Dalai Lama
“The SEL Certification course from The Center for Advancement in Social Emotional Learning, opened up my perspective, my goals, and my life! Heidi Little is the educator to learn SEL from, she literally helped create the whole thing! I highly recommend this course!”
-- Sharon Rea -No Judgment Just Love/Arizona
“I had a life altering experience, and I didn’t think anything could heal my depression and anxiety. Working on my self connection with Heidi, completely changed my life. I have found myself again. And I look forward to my journey.”
⦁ Heather, New Mexico
REGISTER TODAY: https://form.jotform.com/centerforadvancementsel/registration
Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of all 8 modules, participants will: (AS IT STANDS WITH THE CENTER FOR ADVANCEMENT) If you are taking your stacking certifications one class at a time, we will work with you to full fill your diploma requirements.
Be certified in The Social Emotional Learning and The Center for Advancement in Social Emotional Learning Education Center Curriculum.
Be credited and supported to begin or expand your teaching journey, with practicum and mentorship opportunities, locally and internationally.
The opportunity to move forward and become a certifying teacher of the Center for Advancement in SEL.
Receive 1 year of support and guidance from our certified support staff.
Get listed on our site as a Center for Advancement in Social Emotional Learning Certified Educator.
MIssion: We are International Educators, implementing Social Emotional Learning while raising the bar for love, care, and respect for ourselves and all students. www.SELAdvancment.org
Graduates of the full 8 weeks will have the ability to implement all Social Emotional Learning tools and techniques, concepts, and pedagogy of Heart based, SEL. As well as the ability to guide and teach a one on one SEL workshop/class, have the ability to instruct a group SEL workshop, to/for all ages, and backgrounds. And implement a 8 module, turnkey curriculum based in heart based Social Emotional Learning.
Competency List:
The teacher knows how to plan, implement and evaluate soft skills, heart based SEL instruction.
The teacher understands developmentally appropriate skills, concepts and instructional strategies to promote students’ development of Social Emotional Learning concepts, knowledge and skills; enhance critical and creative thinking in Social Emotional Learning contexts; and foster appreciation of Social Emotional Learning.
The teacher knows how to plan, implement and evaluate Social Emotional Learning methods and understandings
The teacher understands the role of Social Emotional Learning education and everyday life.
Demonstrates knowledge of the content and performance standards for SEL
Knows how to organize, sequence and evaluate lessons in ways that promote effective student learning in Social Emotional Learning.
Demonstrates an understanding of teaching methods that effectively integrate Social Emotional Learning instruction with instruction in other art forms, and other subject areas for students at different grade levels and various professional backgrounds.
Recognizes and describes effective strategies for teaching Social Emotional Learning effectively to students with diverse backgrounds and needs.
Understands considerations and procedures for developing and using instructional strategies that encourage active learning and are responsive to the strengths and needs of all students, including students with diverse backgrounds and needs.
Knows how to guide students with various skills and interests to explore avenues of self-discovery and self-expression through aspects of Heart based Social Emotional Learning.
Demonstrates knowledge of methods for developing and applying appropriate evaluation standards based on students’ abilities and experience, offering appropriate feedback to enhance students’ performance and teaching students to assess and certify potential students in the professional arena.
Demonstrates familiarity with multiple forms of assessment and how they can be used to evaluate and monitor student progress and to plan instruction in Social Emotional Learning .
Knows how to create, organize and manage a safe and supportive environment that encourages student learning, motivation, collaboration and positive forms of risk-taking.
Demonstrates knowledge of safety practices relevant to creative expression and trianing/delivery, including practices related to emotional well-being and the safe use of the voice, body, mind, heart connection, and inner guidance system/spirit.
Analyzes the benefits and relevance of Social Emotional Learning, experiences for students’ academic and personal development (e.g., encouraging experiential exploration of content-area topics, facilitating creative problem solving, promoting self-knowledge, enhancing understanding of interpersonal relationships, improving self-confidence through implementing tools and techniques, developing verbal and nonverbal communication skills).
Demonstrates knowledge of career and entrepreneurial opportunities in Heart Based Social Emotional Learning and the classroom, via the skills and preparation required for these careers and avocations and ways to integrate awareness of careers and avocational opportunities into Social Emotional Learning through all modalities in education.
The ability to make cross-curricular connections within the school reinforces learning in multiple classrooms. Social Emotional Learning overlaps with ELA, recovery, team building, professional development, and all areas understanding self, self in relation to family, self in relation to community and self in relation to the world. Tools and embodiment practices must be adapted, assessed, and implemented. Social Emotional Learning educators are a reflection of the history, present and future social culture, and health and wellness of self in relation to the world and intersect with Social work, emergency work, education/teaching, in counseling, music, theater media arts, math, english, and all subject areas.
Universal skills like team-work, public speaking, time management, empathy,cultivating inherent gifts, life purpose, and mission, and commitment to loving self, will serve students forever. A teacher must be able to draw these connections.
Our trainers are highly trained professionals that have been thoroughly vetted, successfully passed all assessment criteria, and are ready to train internationally.
Teaching soft skills to public school children is crucial for their holistic development and future success in various aspects of life. Here are some positive arguments supporting the incorporation of soft skills into public school curricula:
1: Preparation for Real-world Success: Soft skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and adaptability are essential for success in today's rapidly changing workplace. By introducing these skills early in their education, public school children can develop a strong foundation that will serve them well throughout their lives.
2: Enhanced Employability: In addition to academic knowledge, employers increasingly value soft skills when hiring new employees. Teaching children soft skills in public schools can help them stand out in the job market and increase their employability prospects in the future.
3: Improved Social Interaction: Soft skills empower children to navigate social interactions effectively, fostering positive relationships with peers, teachers, and the broader community. By learning skills such as empathy, active listening, and conflict resolution, public school children can develop healthier interpersonal relationships and contribute positively to their social environments.
4: Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Soft skills encourage children to think critically and approach challenges with creativity and resilience. By incorporating activities that promote problem-solving, decision-making, and innovation into the curriculum, public schools can empower children to tackle real-world issues and become lifelong learners.
5: Empowerment and Confidence: Soft skills education promotes self-awareness, confidence, and self-efficacy among children. By providing opportunities for public school students to practice skills such as public speaking, leadership, and self-reflection, educators can empower them to embrace new challenges and pursue their goals with confidence.
6:Cultivation of Emotional Intelligence: Soft skills education fosters emotional intelligence by teaching children to recognize and regulate their emotions effectively. By incorporating lessons on empathy, resilience, and stress management into the curriculum, public schools can help children develop the social and emotional competencies needed to navigate life's ups and downs successfully.
The Center for Advancement in Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is an organization that focuses on providing training, resources, and certifications in the field of social emotional learning. Their approach, termed "Heart-Based Social Emotional Learning," emphasizes the development of emotional intelligence, self-awareness, empathy, and relationship skills.
The center offers various programs and workshops for educators, first responders, social workers, healthcare professionals, mental health practitioners, substance abuse counselors, and others who work with individuals in educational or community settings. These programs aim to equip participants with the tools and techniques necessary to foster emotional well-being, resilience, and positive social interactions among individuals of all ages.
The curriculum includes modules covering topics such as self-love, identity, community relations, creating safe spaces, and charting one's SEL journey. Through a combination of practical exercises, group discussions, and creative activities, participants are guided to deepen their understanding of SEL principles and how to integrate them into their personal and professional lives.
The ultimate goal of The Center for Advancement in Social Emotional Learning is to promote a culture of compassion, understanding, and respect, both within individuals and within broader communities. By empowering educators and practitioners with the skills to support emotional growth and development, they aim to create environments where everyone can thrive.
More info and to register centerforadvancementsel@gmail.com or by calling 512-799-9807