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Be The Medicine The Medicine Wheel Exploration Technique

Be The Medicine The Medicine Wheel Exploration Technique

The Medicine Wheel Expkoration Technique is based off of restoring the sacred hoop. When we focus on self and cultivaiting that within us that are our gifts, mission, purpose and higher calling, we are able to stay on a path that serves us and our fullfiling life opportunties and futures. 


Utlizing the Medicine Wheel Exploration Technique allows us the opportunity to get clear. And the technique can be used by children, young adults and grown ups, for self discovery, exporeation, and for decision making. 


The Center of the Wheel is what is being focused on,  and the spokes surrounding the center circle only serve to support what is in the middle. 


"I love this practice! I have never been more clear in my life! And it is a tool that can be taught and utilized easily!. Thanks Center for Advancement and Heidi Little! ~Aloysius Brewer Train the Trainer program summer 2024


"This technique is a stand alone teaching that everyone should know " Karen Trujillo Train the Trainer Winter 2021

    $25.99 Regular Price
    $19.49Sale Price
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